2009년 12월 24일 목요일

Creating new OpenCV project (Visual Studio 2008)

Set Library Directories
1. Project -> Properties
2. Linker -> General
3. Choose "Linker" tab -> "General" category -> "Additional Library
Directories”, Add the paths:
"C:\opencv lib\lib\Debug"

Set Libraries
1. Choose from menu: "Project" -> "Properties". (Or right click on your project
in the left hand tree)
2. Choose “Configuration Properties” -> "Linker" tab -> "Input" category ->
"Additional Dependencies:"
3. Add the paths for all necessary import libraries (cv200d.lib cvaux200d.lib cxcore200d.lib highgui200d.lib)

2009년 11월 16일 월요일

Useful Visual C++ 2008 Link

2009년 10월 8일 목요일

useful OpenCV links

  • The IplImage Structure

  • New Project (Visual Studio)
    - Add include directories "C:\OpenCV2.0\include\opencv"
    - Add libraries cv200d.lib cxcore200d.lib highgui200d.lib cvaux200d.lib
    - Copy dlls cxcore200d.dll cxcore200d.dll highgui200d.dll cvaux200d.dll

2009년 10월 1일 목요일

useful Matlab link

  • Colon operator (:)
  • fspecial
    h = fspecial('gaussian', hsize, sigma) returns a rotationally symmetric Gaussian lowpass filter of size hsize with standard deviation sigma (positive). hsize can be a vector specifying the number of rows and columns in h, or it can be a scalar, in which case h is a square matrix. The default value for hsize is [3 3]; the default value for sigma is 0.5.
  • freqz
  • dwt2d

2009년 9월 14일 월요일

A talk with her

One of my friend told me that she broke up with his boyfriend. Although they have dated for 8 years, she said it didn't hurt as much as she expected. I didn't know what I should tell her. It seems that she lose her acute judgement due to too much pain. Or, we don't feel sadness any more because we had several but enough break-up.

2009년 9월 2일 수요일

Comprehensive Exam

  • Electricity & Magnetism
    - ECE 107
  • Signals & Systems (Fall 09 - Paul Siegel)
    - ECE 101
  • Solid State Electronics (Fall 09 - Yuan Taur, Wang)
    - ECE 103 Fundamental/Devices & Materials
  • Circuits (Fall 09 - Curt Schurgers)
    - ECE 102
  • Logic Design (Fall 09)
    - CSE 140
  • Computer Engineering
    - ECE 260A
  • Electronic Cicuits and System
    - ECE166/265A
    - 164/264A

2009년 8월 29일 토요일

New Start at San Diego!!

I arrived at San Diego yesterday. Hot sun and clean campus! I need time to be familiar with new people and places. Anyhow, I'm expecting a lot. The left picture is La Jolla Shore. A lot of people are enjoying surffering on the huge wave. I would like to learn the soonest I can!!

2009년 7월 8일 수요일

UCSD ECE Classes

How to read a paper

  1. Keep in mind what the conclusion of a paper is
    - The conclusion of a paper is a destination where you should arrive in the end. Thus, don't forget where your final goal is at each steps.

  2. Focus on what you really need
    - Skip insignificant parts of a paper to minimize the time you spend.

2009년 5월 26일 화요일

Research Begins - FFT + CORDIC

In fact, I started research 1 week ago. I was so busy to look for papers and books regarding FFT. (there were countless number of references... -_-) Anyway, I have not had chances to research on certain topics for a long time. I'm expecting a lot. :)

2009년 5월 21일 목요일

Becoming a DJ - BLIP.fm

How fantastic it is!! Whenever you want music, the website gives great chances to enjoy. Let's start it!

2009년 4월 21일 화요일

Ten years from now

What should I be 10 years from now? Although I get through the first gate, this is just the beginning for long journey. Let's think over what I should do and make a nice plan!

2009년 4월 12일 일요일

Admission from UCSD

[Department of Electrical Engineering]
[Computer Science and Engineering]

Faculty Research Profiles

[Academic Policies]

2009년 3월 27일 금요일

Admission from USC

It was long long journey until I received an admission letter.
I'm very pleased to write this article 'NOW' ^^
Anyway, it's the time to prepare for graduate study.

[Department of Electrical Engineering]
  • Master of Science
  • Research
  • Professors
    1) Gaurav S. Sukhatme
    2) Viktor Prasanna
  • http://nanolab.usc.edu/
  • Koreans
    - Jeong-Yoon Lee: Change Major(EE > CS)
    - Taek-Jun Kwon
    - Inkwon Hwang
    - Kyu Jeong Han
  • MSCEEVL - Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (VLSI DESIGN)
    - Degree Requirements: A GPA of 3.0 must be earned on all 400-level and above course work.

    . EE 536a: Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit Design (Prerequisite: EE 479)
    . EE 577a: VLSI System Design (Prerequisite: EE 477)
    . EE 577b: VLSI System Design (Prerequisite: EE 577a)
    . EE 552: Asynchronous VLSI Design

    - two courses from one of the following areas and one course from a second area:
    . Area 1: CSCI 455x, EE 560, EE 577b (see above), EE 658, EE 680 and EE 681
    CSCI 455x: Introduction to Programming Systems Design
    EE 560: Digital System Design --  Tools and Techniques
    EE 680: Computer Aided Design of Digital Systems

    . Area 2: EE 448, EE 504L, EE 536b (see above), EE 537 and EE 630
    EE 448: Comunication Electronics
    EE 504L: Solid State Processing and Integrated Circuits Laboratory
    EE 537: Modern Solid-State Devices

    . Area 3: CSCI 455x, CSCI 570, EE 557, EE 577b (see above), EE 659, EE 677

  • MSCENG - Master of Science in Computer Engineering
    . CSCI 455 Introduction to Programming Systems Design
    . EE 357 Basic Organization of Computer Systems

    . CSCI 402x Operating Systems
    . EE 450 Introduction to Computer Networks or EE 465 Probabilistic Methods in Computer Sytems Modeling
    . EE 457x Computer Systems Organization
    . EE 477 MOS VLSI Circuit Design

    . EE 550 Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks or EE 555 Broadband Network Architectures
    . EE 557 Computer Systems Architecture
    . EE 577a VLSI System Design

[Computer Science Department]

[Academic Policies]

[Financial Aid]
  • Estimated Budget
    - Tuition: 1,331 * 18(9units*2) = 23,958
    - Living Expenses: 15,000
    - Sum : 38,958
  • Fellowships

2009년 3월 22일 일요일

Why do I like to read?

This is because I find the answer that I would like to know.
Here are books which I recommend for you.
When I had a hard time looking for the answers, these books guided me in the right way.

2009년 3월 21일 토요일

Smart Cameras

[Authors, Groups]
  1. Wayne Wolf
    - Project, Embedded Systems Group, Princeton University

    - Papers
    1) Smart cameras as embedded systems

  2. Shuvra Bhattacharyya
    - The Maryland DSPCAD Research Group

    - Books
    1) Embedded Computer Vision

    - Papers
    1) H. Kee, N. Petersen, J. Kornerup, and S. S. Bhattacharyya. Systematic generation of FPGA-based FFT implementations.
    2) M. Sen, I. Corretjer, F. Haim, S. Saha, J. Schlessman, S. S. Bhattacharyya, and W. Wolf. Computer vision on FPGAs: Design methodology and its application to gesture recognition.

  3. Terrance E. Boult
    - Vision And Security Technology Lab

  4. SmartCam: Devices for Embedded Intelligent Cameras
    - University of Technology Eindhoven
    - Project description: multi-processor based smart camera system architectures and the critical issue of determining correct camera architectural parameters for a given application domain

  5. SmartCam
    - University of Technology in Graz, Austria
    - Distributed smart cameras for traffic surveillance applications

  6. Pentax Hack

  7. Camera 2.0 - Stanford

2009년 3월 16일 월요일

Advice to Applicants for Graduate Studies

  1. UC Berkeley
    "Beyond good grades, good GRE scores, and positive recommendation letters, the one thing that can improve a student's chances of admission into our program is a track record of research publication. A publication in a reputable conference in the area of computer-aided design really makes an application stand out."

  2. USC
    "So the key point is to get admitted through normal channels. Beyond good grades, good GRE scores, and positive recommendation letters, the one thing that can improve a students chances of admission into our program is a track record of research publication. A publication in a reputable conference in the area of Compilers or Parallel Programming (e.g., PLDI, POPL, PPoPP, SuperComputing or IPPS) or in Computer Aided Design (e.g., ICCAD, DAC) really makes an application stand out."

Professional Developers

Simple ARM Instructions

Let's utilize diagrams for better understanding!

Computers as Components - 71 page

2009년 3월 14일 토요일

Preparing GRE CS Subject

  1. Algorithms 
    - Textbook:
    Introduction to Algorithms
    - Open Lecture:
    MIT Open Courseware
                                 Google Video

  2. Operating System
    - Textbook:
    Operating System Concepts

US Job Market in Economic Recession

Job positions for foreigners are declinining.
I have expected that those phenomenon would occur, however, It's real now!!

2009년 3월 12일 목요일

A Note to Embedded System Professionals

Why should we study further on fundamentals of embedded systems?
  • First, techniques such as high-level language programming and real-time operating systems are very important in making large, complex embedded systems that actually work. The industry is littered with failed system designs that didn't work because their designers tried to hack their way out of problems rather than stepping back and taking a wider view of the problem.
  • Second, the components used to build embedded systems are constantly changing, but the principles remain constant. Once you understand the basic principles involved in creating complex embedded systems, you can quickly learn a new microprocessor ( or even programming language) and apply the same fundamental principles to your new components.
"Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components - Preface"
  • Is it fun all of the time? Of course not. We pay for the thrills by wading through mind-numbing technical articles and putting up with unenlightened bosses. But if you love technical challenges, fighting really tough problems that span the range from hardware to software to even the basic science of some devices, embedded is the field for you. Be tough, be determined, think long-term… and have fun.
"Jack Ganssle, How to Become and Embedded Geek"

2009년 3월 11일 수요일

Being an effective software engineer

People always ask me, why do you want to go to graduate school?

I found the answer(it describes my goal very well...)

Here is a paragraph which is similar to mine.

“Yes, I believe [a software engineering degree] is more effective at the Master's level. I believe that being an effective software engineer requires several things including:
  • A solid undergraduate program covering the fundamentals of computer science and/or computer engineering.
  • Significant amounts of experience in doing commercial software engineering.
  • Considerable depth and breadth in topics that are best learned after one has had the abovementioned experience (because the experience gives you a much deeper appreciation of why the topics are important). Furthermore, this degree of depth and breadth cannot becovered in an undergraduate program unless it shortchanges the students in their fundamentals.
  • Continuing education as the field matures and evolves throughout one's career.

2009년 2월 24일 화요일

TouchConnect Conference, 2/24 : App Store Biz Stragedy

Elizabeth Gilbert: A new way to think about creativity

Don't be afraid!!

Her message for us.

Let's watch later...

힘내라, 그대들 _작가지망생 여러분에게 - 노희경

1. 성실한 노동자가 되어라.

노동자의 근무시간 8시간을 지킬 것.

2. 인과응보를 믿어라.

쓰면 완성할 확률이 높아지고, 고민만 하면 머리만 아프다.

3. 드라마는 인간이다.

인간에 대한 탐구가 드라마에 대한 탐구다.

4. 디테일하게 보라.

듬성듬성하게 세상을 보면, 듬성듬성한 드라마가 나오고, 섬세

하게 세상을 보면 섬세한 드라마가 나온다.

5. 아픈 기억이 많을수록 좋다.

작가는 상처받지 않는다. 모두가 글감이다.

6. 생각이 늙는 걸 경계하라.

몸은 늙어도 마음은 늙지 않는다. 그러나 생각은 늙을 수 있다. 

지금 내가 하는 모든 생각이 편견인 것을 직시하고, 늘 남의 말

에 귀 기울일 것. 자기 생각이 옳다고 하는 순간, 늙고 있음을 알

아챌 것.

7. 조율을 잊지 마라.

드라마는 혼자 하는 작업이 아닌 더불어 함께하는 작업이다.

조율하지 못할 거면 드라마작가를 포기하라. 드라마작가는 드

라마의 여러 작업 파트 중 다만 글을 쓰는 사람일 뿐, 우두머리

가 아니다. 작가적 중심과 독선을 구분하는 게 관건이다.

2009년 2월 9일 월요일

Demo Day for Developers

Skills for Developers

1. Hard Skills 
 - Technical requirements for executing specific tasks
 - The ability which can be improved through sustained efforts

2. Soft Skills
 - relate well with others
 - hard to gain through learning
 - a sense of responsibility, respect, sociabillity

Action Items

1. Mentor
 - provide useful perspective and information

2. Experiencing personal activities
 - oper source projects, books

3. Building social networks
 - construct relationships outside organization

4. Communication
 - express effectively my opinion

2009년 2월 8일 일요일

A person who...

I'm very proud of him.

We're at the same company almost one year ago.

But, he is currently working at Qualcomm, and I am still...

The article about him...

2009년 2월 6일 금요일

A plan for making my profile on the blog

1. write the resume and post it on the blog

2. arrange research activities with images
  • FSVD (A Fast Serial Viterbi Decoder ASIC for CDMA Cellular Base Station)
  • A 64-Point IFFT/FFT Processor for OFDM Application
  • Design and Implementation of the Viterbi Decoder for Channel Error Detection
3. professional experience
  • DRIM Engine Ⅱ Pro
4. study a textbook and summarize

2009년 2월 4일 수요일

About Me

I am currently a software engineer at Samsung Digital Imaging in South Korea.

My key areas of interests include semiconductor design, embedded software.